Breaking the Cycle
Extreme poverty is just one of the lasting effects of Guatemala’s 36 year long civil war. During the war, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced, many settling in the public areas adjacent to one of the largest and most toxic landfills in Central America. To survive, families began scavenging the landfill for items to recycle or sell. Harsh working conditions and very little profit often requires that children help work, instead of attending school, in order to contribute to their family’s income.
Our educational programs offer the community’s children the opportunity to begin breaking the cycle of poverty. School tuition, books, supplies, uniforms, and tutoring, are all part of the Child Sponsorship Program. Our Restoration Center is staffed by two full-time teachers who provide before and after school homework help, and tutoring programs. Our teachers were raised in the community, making them uniquely equipped to address the needs of their students.
Education is crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty. Your tax deductible donations make attending and succeeding in school possible for the children in our community. Visit our Child Sponsor page to make a new friend today!